The Centre for Entrepreneurial Development – Alliance – Research [CEDAR], in cooperation with UCLan Cyprus are launching the Business Idea Competition 2016-2017.
Those interested in participating in the competition are encouraged to register their interest, by email at [email protected], providing their team names, emails, and city of residence. Training workshops will be provided to offer support, business mentoring and guidance on how to develop a winning business proposal.
The shortlisted teams nominated for awards will be invited to present their business ideas at the award ceremony which is to be scheduled in June 2017 and will run under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
For more information, updates and timetable for start-up business training workshops you can visit our website or
CEDAR Facebook CEDAR.entrepreneurship or
contact Dr Elias Hadjielias, Director of CEDAR [email protected] or on +357-24-694000.